Dynamics 365 - 5 Reasons Why New Solution Designer Still Rocks
With Dynamics 365, there is a push to have the CRM customizer use solutions designer in Power Apps. This is a new and recommended way to customize your Dynamics 365.
Although the new interface is great to use, there are some pitfalls.
- There is no easy way to get to the PowerApps page from Dynamics 365 (At the time of the writing).
- Loading solutions in PowerApps is slower than loading solution in the classic designer.
- The UI is less intuitive as compared to the classic solution designer.
- Flows created from solutions will not be displayed in the "Team Flows" list. They must be accessed through a solution. (it's been a big headache for our developers)
- More can be found in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/data-platform/solutions-overview#known-limitations
With that being said, there are benefits that the new solution designer provides.
Ability to resize columns on the fly with real data previews. With the old solution designer, there was no way to freely set the view column sizes without updating the xml manually.

Ability to view real data while manipulating the views in the designer. This enables you to on the fly, adjust the column sizes, verify sorting, verify your query, and verify that the right columns are added.Filtering in PowerApps

Ability to add flows, where the old solution designer cannot.

Ability to run solution health checker

referenced from https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-view-designer-for-model-driven-apps/