How to Avoid Common Seo Mistakes

Last updated:
September 15, 2021

If you’re looking to get more traffic to your website, you’ll want to avoid making common SEO mistakes. These mistakes could cost you valuable visitors and even damage your reputation online. Here are 35 ways to avoid common SEO mistakes.


1. Not Optimizing Your Website

You may think that optimizing your website is something that only takes a few hours. However, it can actually take weeks or months to optimize your site fully. If you’re not sure what you should be doing, contact us. We’ll help you figure out what steps you need to take to improve your search engine rankings.

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2. Using Poor Keywords

Keywords are important. Without good keywords, you won’t rank well in search engines. So make sure that you use relevant keywords throughout your content. Don’t just throw them in randomly. Instead, try using keyword research tools to find the best keywords for your business.

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3. Having Too Many Pages on One Site

When people visit your page, they don’t know which one of your pages will give them exactly what they’re searching for. This means that if someone searches for “best dog food,” they might end up at your homepage instead of finding the information they were seeking. To fix this problem, make sure that all of your pages have unique titles and descriptions so that users know where they’re going when they click through from Google.


4. Failing to Use Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become an essential part of any successful SEO campaign. It allows businesses to connect with their customers directly and build relationships over time. In addition, social media marketing helps increase brand awareness, drive sales, and boost customer loyalty when done correctly.

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5. Ignoring Mobile Search Engine Optimization

Mobile SEO refers to how websites perform on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. The goal of mobile SEO is to ensure that your site looks great and loads quickly across different platforms. You also want to make sure that your text isn’t too small for readers to read easily.

person holding black smartphone


6. Forgetting About Local Businesses

Local businesses often rely heavily on local listings such as Yelp reviews and maps. They also tend to do better than national brands because they offer locals care about products and services. To succeed, you must pay attention to these types of sites.

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7. Trying to Do Everything Yourself

SEO requires knowledge, experience, and practice. While there are many things that you can learn yourself, some tasks require professional expertise. For example, hiring a web designer specializing in SEO-friendly design is much easier than creating your own custom designs.


8. Hiring Cheap Web Designers

Hiring cheap web designers doesn’t always mean getting quality work. Sometimes, companies hire inexperienced freelancers without checking references or credentials. As a result, they wind up paying higher prices later down the road. Before signing anything, ask potential contractors whether they provide free revisions. Also, look into previous projects to see if they did similar ones before.


9. Making Changes That Aren't Necessary

Sometimes, changes made by web developers aren’t necessary. However, some changes can cause problems for your site. For instance, adding new plugins or changing themes can affect your ranking negatively. Be careful about what you add to your site. Only install software that you really need.


10. Neglecting Content Quality

Content plays a huge role in determining your success. Good content attracts high-quality links, while poor content gets ignored. Therefore, you shouldn’t neglect to create high-quality content. First, spend enough time writing original articles and blog posts. Then, focus on promoting those pieces via social networks.


11. Being Overly Promotional

While promotional tactics can sometimes bring results, they can also backfire. If you use paid ads to promote your business, avoid using keywords that could get you banned from search engines. Instead, try focusing more on building trust between visitors and your website.


12. Not Using Analytics Software

Analytics tools allow you to track visitor behaviour and determine which parts of your site convert well. Without analytics, it's impossible to tell whether your efforts are working. Fortunately, most major CMSs come with built-in tracking features. However, even if yours does not, there are plenty of third-party options available online.


13. Relying Too Much On Keywords

Keyword research is important, but relying solely on keyword data can lead to subpar rankings. Instead, make sure that you include other factors, such as user intent and relevance, in your analysis.


14. Thinking Your Site Is Ready

Before launching your site, check out its performance in various places. For example, look at Alexa ratings, Compete for metrics and PageSpeed Insights scores. These numbers should help you identify areas that need improvement. Then, once you've fixed issues, test again to make sure everything works properly.


15. Putting Off Website Redesigns

Website redesigns take time. Don’t rush them. A good rule of thumb is to wait until traffic levels drop significantly before making significant updates to your site. Otherwise, you risk losing valuable organic traffic.


16. Going With An Unproven Platform If you want to build an effective SEO strategy

Don’t go with an unproven platform. Instead, choose something like WordPress because it has been around since 2003 and grows every year. It offers tons of functionality and support. Plus, it comes with thousands of preinstalled plug-ins that will improve your site’s usability.


17. Focusing Solely On Search Engines

Search engine optimization isn’t just limited to Google. There are many different ways to optimize websites for all types of users. You may have heard of Bing Webmaster Tools, but there are others too. Use these resources to find additional methods of improving your site’s visibility.


18. Ignoring Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Unfortunately, many businesses ignore this tactic completely. To avoid missing out on opportunities, start following relevant accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, Tumblr, Reddit, and so forth.


19. Forgetting About Mobile Optimization

Mobile devices continue to become increasingly popular. In fact, mobile searches now account for over half of all internet activity. This means that ignoring mobile optimization strategies is no longer acceptable. So start optimizing your sites for smartphones and tablets today!


20. Trying New Things At The Expense Of Old Ones

You might think that trying new things would boost your company’s growth. But sometimes, sticking with tried-and-true tactics actually leads to better results than experimenting with new ideas. For example, a study found that companies who used social media more frequently saw higher profits than those who didn't use any social networks. So instead of jumping into new trends, focus on what already works.


21. Not Having Enough Content

If you want people to visit your website regularly, then you'll need lots of content. That way, they won't get bored or frustrated when visiting your page. And having enough content also helps search engines crawl through your pages faster.


22. Using Poor Quality Images

Images play a huge role in how visitors perceive your business. They affect both their initial interest level and overall impression of your product or service. As a result, using high-quality images is crucial.


23. Being Overwhelmed By Technical Details

SEO takes some technical knowledge. Luckily, there are several free tutorials online that teach beginners about basic concepts. Also, look up videos from industry experts. Many of them offer step-by-step instructions on specific topics.


24. Making Changes Based Only On What Works Today

It's tempting to try new techniques right away. After all, why waste money on something that doesn't work? But doing so could hurt your reputation among potential customers. So instead, stick with proven practices first. Then, once you see positive results, consider testing new approaches.


25. Neglecting Link Building

This refers to creating backlinks between your own web pages and other related ones. These can be done manually or automatically via software programs. Either way, it's important to make sure that each link points to an authoritative source. Otherwise, it will not help improve your rankings.


26. Focusing Too Much On One Thing

When you're working hard at SEO, don't neglect other aspects of digital marketing. If you do only one thing well, you risk losing traffic to competitors who take advantage of every opportunity available.


27. Thinking Your Site Is Ready When It Isn't

There's always room for improvement. So even if your site looks great, keep looking until you've made everything perfect. Don't worry; nobody expects perfection. Just aim for good enough.


28. Relying Solely On Paid Ads

Paid ads aren't bad per se. However, relying solely on paid advertising can lead to poor performance. Why? Because most people click on sponsored posts rather than organic listings. Plus, even though they appear above regular posts, they still show below the fold.


29. Assuming People Will Find Their Way Around A Website

A lot of people assume that navigation bars and menus should guide visitors around a website. But this isn't necessarily true. For example, some people prefer scrolling down a webpage as opposed to clicking buttons. Others like browsing without being directed anywhere in particular.


30. Believing Search Engines Are Perfect

 Search engine optimization has its limits. While these tools can certainly help boost your ranking, they cannot guarantee success. It would help if you continued to promote your brand yourself.


31. Not Having An Online Reputation Management Strategy In Place

Online reviews have become increasingly popular over recent years. Unfortunately, this means that negative comments posted against your company may start showing up more often. To avoid this problem, create a strategy for responding to such complaints.


32. Ignoring Social Media Marketing

Social media sites allow businesses to connect directly with consumers. For example, Facebook allows users to share photos, post status updates, and comment on others' activities. Twitter lets companies send out tweets that include links to products and services.


33. Forgetting About Mobile Users

Mobile devices now account for almost half of internet usage worldwide. So, it makes sense to optimize websites for mobile phones too. For example, make sure that the text size is large enough for easy reading. Include relevant keywords throughout the copy. Use responsive design templates. And ensure that any graphics used are optimized for small screens.


34. Trying New Things Without Testing Them First

You might think that trying new things would increase your chances of getting noticed. But, unfortunately, this approach rarely works. The best way to find what does work is to test different strategies before implementing them.


35. Putting Off Content Creation Until Later

Content creation is essential for boosting your visibility.


Hopefully, these tips will help you avoid common SEO mistakes.

If you need help with implementing any of these, don't hesitate to contact us for a strategic planning session.







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