What is Web 3.0 and Its Future In Marketing
Into The Future
Internet was founded in the late 1990s and has revolutionized how humans have advanced in this world; with all things, we look forward... innovate and think of new ideas and possibilities. Hello there, my name is Josh Horvath of Twelverays.com and today we will be discussing how internet users, content creators, and other people all over the world will be forward-looking with the new aged Web 3.0. Similar to the Metaverse by Facebook, Web 3.0 looks to take the internet into a new age; what is it exactly, how does it compare to the previous Web 2.0 and 1.0 and what next and in the future for Web 3.0 will be discussed and so much more.
What Is Web 3.0
Web 3.0, also known as Web3 or the Semantic Web (SW), is the newest form and future-looking internet which focuses on enhancing the daily lives of both content creation, social media sites, and user interaction. The ultimate goal within Web3 is to provide internet for all which is more open, transparent, user-controlled, and intertwines with blockchain technology into the internet.
Therefore imagine a world where you control your data, no more accepting terms and conditions for companies such as Facebook and Twitter wanting your information. Companies such as the before mentioned have profited to unlimited amounts based on having the information and details regarding their users; Web3 is about gaining that power back and potentially compensating people for time spent on the internet and the data given for whatever such reason.
Gaining that power back, the single authority; being the one that controls your data is just one part of the decentralization that is a trait of the Web3s' overall strategy; artificial intelligence and openness are also characteristics that will apply to this growing technology. The metaverse and social media platforms within that realm will operate under the Web3 for such a reason that Web3 is an open-sourced software and will allow creator-driven platforms and user-generated content to be shared in ways that were once thought impossible. NFTs and other Digital Assets are already proudly making use of this new Web3 technology and are looking for ways to innovate in the future that will make more use of a decentralized network and smart devices.
What Is Different Compared to Previous Web 2.0 & Web 1.0
So why exactly is Web3 needed when Web2 seems to be doing just fine you ask? Innovation and adaptation and pushing away from Big Tech companies are just some of the reasons in which this technology is being looked at. Web3 means that there were two iterations before it, Web 1.0 and Web 2.0; with 1.0 being the first type of internet that was alongside the invention of the internet in general, Web 2.0 was the further iteration on top of that when smartphones came to light.
Web 1.0
In the beginning was the first-ever internet, Web 1.0; originating from the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency and became the first global digital network. These days, the internet was 100% read-only with no input available to those viewing the content; with no input available to people, the creation of the bulletin board system (BBS) was created where people could view new things and catch up on news/info. Advertisements were downright banned across Web 1.0 and websites ran primarily on HTML code and were popularized by sites like GeoCities. As dynamic URLs came to light and more interactivity for users became prevalent and read-only websites became obsolete, Web 1.0 faded away to the new technology Web 2.0 around the mid-2000's.

Web 2.0
As guessed, Web 2.0 was the successor to Web 1.0; the main premise behind this new form of the internet was the interactivity and overall immersion that a user could use during browsing experiences and feel across different social networks. Web 1.0 was known as the 'Read Only' stage of the internet lifespan, whereas Web 2.0 moved into the 'Read/Write' stage.
This generation of the internet is what brought us into the world of eBay, registering for accounts on digital peer networks such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or even creating online bank accounts which you had control over. This data-giving era lets companies drive a message of customer experience while at the same time gaining valuable information on users that would be resold to 3rd party advertisers.
Web 2.0 is the current evolution of the internet that we know and love today, the ability to comment, post, engage, participate and communicate with others is just some of the ways this form of internet is used. Perhaps a new meaning will come of this digital age of widespread technological company growth... the Content Industry Revolution; technology-focused companies and the entertainment industry have grown exponentially due to Web 2.0.

Web 3.0
As mentioned, Web3 will be the next evolution of the internet and will provide a pathway to using the internet and socializing in new visionary ways. Otherwise known as the semantic web, this evolution will be an open-sourced, data-safe internet that is tailored for individualistic needs. Combining Read, Write, Dynamic, Static, and other forms of interactivity that can give an experience without thinking required is the future that humans can look forward to. Becoming the ideal place for blockchain solutions for cryptocurrencies such as the Ethereum blockchain, the introduction of smart contracts that can give greater asset ownership and advanced machine learning that can contribute to humanity is what Web 3.0 will be about in the future.

What’s Next/The Future
This all sounds amazing, doesn't it? Controlling your data meanwhile experiencing the next generation of the internet where blockchain technology is part of the entire network. Web 3.0 is not the current internet that we know and love today, that title still belongs to Web 2.0; but what does the future hold, what sort of things can we look forward to seeing and how will it revolutionize advertising and marketing industry.
Advertisers and marketers alike will come to realize how intertwined Web 3.0 and the Metaverse will be; no longer will the internet be only restricted to only what you can see on your phone or computer. New cutting-edge technologies will come to light as technology adapts, we can already see this in innovations such as virtual reality and augmented reality.
Pay-To-Earn games will become more popular as time goes by; a new form of gaming model where the game relies on blockchain technology and allow the applicable gamers to earn cryptocurrency or NFTs by playing the game. Games like these already exist today with the most popular P2E game called Axie Infinity, this NFT game surprisingly generated $1.3 Billion in revenue in 2021.
Marketers will look forward to the use of the semantic web and artificial intelligence to help bridge the gap between humans and computers. In a roundabout way, business leaders and marketers will have to focus on a message more about being more user-focused and promoting products which also the user has complete ownership of the item at the same time.
The use of the internet will be everywhere, not just computers and smartphones
Not fully implemented today, but already see signs that it exists.
Web 3.0 will be a revolutionary evolution on the internet that we know and love today; connecting humans and computers in ways that we once never thought possible. There is a lot that we still don't know about this ever-growing technology that is facing exponential growth in the same ways that we did not fully understand cryptocurrency, credit cards, or even Web 1.0 & 2.0.
However, we did learn that Web3 will be an open-sourced platform called the Semantic Web (SW) where users control and own their data and have increased amounts of privacy and security. Gone will be the days of companies such as Facebook and Twitter owning your data and selling it to others while innovations such as Play-To-Earn video games start to take shape across the different blockchain applications.
The digital marketing industry will face a revolution and evolution alongside the internet as a whole; from making static advertisements on Instagram to creating digital artworks or NFTs that show off your company's latest offerings. How companies go about adapting to the changing internet to provide new services, hyper-personalized experiences, and perhaps digital spaces will be key to capturing the next market and your ideal target market.
Throughout this we have learned a lot about Web 3.0 and its implications on consumers and its impact on businesses and advertisers alike... we're still learning and trying to understand what the next stage of the internet has in store for all of us. Thank you for your time reading over this and if you learned even one thing at all about the future of Web 3.0, that's a success to us here at Twelverays.